Smart liposuction is more precise, enabling Boston plastic surgeon George Chatson to significantly reduce damage to tissue surrounding the surgical site. With SmartLipo™, a laser is used to emulsify fat cells, allowing for full removal without additional force or friction, a technique that can allow for incredibly swift recovery.
What You can Expect
What you can expect following your Boston smart liposuction treatment will depend on factors such as how much fat was removed and from how many areas. It will also depend on your body’s natural healing abilities.
Many people are able to return to work and resume some normal activities within one to two days. Others feel more comfortable waiting up to a week before resuming normal work duties. Dr. Chatson can help you determine which option will be best in your case.
Strenuous exercises may need to be put off for three to four weeks, but less demanding forms of exercise can often be started as soon as 24 hours following your procedure. Dr. Chatson will discuss appropriate activities and a reasonable schedule for resuming more strenuous exercises to help ensure your recovery and long-term results are optimized.
To schedule your smart liposuction consultation with our board-certified Boston plastic surgeon, please contact George P. Chatson, M.D. today. Dr. Chatson serves Massachusetts and New Hampshire with locations in Andover and Nashua.